Healthy Breakfast Diet Children

Healthy Diet: Growing Children Must Be Fed For Breakfast, These 5 Healthy Foods, Body And Mind Remain Active.

Morning Diet: Children’s breakfast should be healthy in the morning. Here we are telling you about 5 such foods which they must definitely have in breakfast.

Breakfast Tips For Kids: The diet of children going to school should be healthy.  Such children should have breakfast, lunch, dinner and even their snacks.  So that the growing children get proper nutrition, so that their development can be done in the right way.  Children must be nourished by their daily needs.  Proteins, vitamins (A, B, C, D, K, etc.) and minerals (iron, calcium, zinc, potassium etc.) are very important in their diet. They can get all these nutrients easily from fruits, vegetables, grains and dairy products.

To give proper nutrition to children it is important that you make their morning breakfast healthy. That is, breakfast in the morning should be such that they get energy throughout the day. And they should be active and work. Because by giving proper nutrition not only the body of the child develops but their brain also works at a fast pace. Here we are telling you about 5 such foods, which you must give to your children at breakfast.

What to feed children at breakfast?

1. feed apples

Apple is rich in fiber. It is sweet and tasty.  Regular intake of this will not only keep the stomach of the children well, but they will also get all the necessary nutrients that they need. Apples contain vitamin A vitamin C and a lot of minerals which are beneficial for their overall health.  Therefore, children should be fed breakfast breakfast on a regular basis.

2. Peanut Butter and Bread

Peanut butter is a good source of protein.  Peanut butter is rich in minerals such as iron, magnesium and potassium. Which make the muscles of children strong.  Helps in physical growth. Children’s hair, skin and nails are healthy when consumed with peanut butter. You can give your kids regular brown bread with peanut butter.  However, you have to keep in mind that they are not getting more calories.

3. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a delicious and healthy breakfast. You can also give your children salted porridge or sweet porridge with milk and less sugar. Oatmeal is rich in fiber and calcium, which will take special care of your children’s stomach and also take care of their bones. Cow milk is more beneficial in sweet porridge. Cow’s milk is also good for the brain.

4. Poha

Poha is generally preferred in Gujarat and South India. Poha is made from rice and is made in different ways to make it edible. It is healthy in eating as well as healthy. It is rich in fiber as well as high calorie content.  You can feed your children by making poha regularly.

5. Eggs

This can be beneficial if your child does not contract his nose while eating eggs.  Consuming eggs removes protein deficiency. Eggs keep the heart healthy.  You can feed your child by boiling an egg in the morning. This will keep him active throughout the day. Is beneficial for its overall development.

You can make and eat healthy snacks to your children. For this, you can take help of a dietician. Here we have told you about common food items that can be beneficial for your children.

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