Your Drinking Habits Are Increasing Your Risk Of Dementia

Most of us consider our Drinking Habit completely safe because we only drink occasionally. Is not it? But the risk of health problems caused by alcohol is not just those who consume alcohol daily.  Sometimes drinking alcohol also has a very bad effect on your health.

If you drink alcohol even once or twice a week, but lose consciousness after every drink and pass out, your risk of dementia doubles.

What is dementia?

Dementia is not a disorder but a disorder of more than one mental illness and problems.  According to the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), 4.7 million people over the age of 65 are dementia victims across the US.

Any of these symptoms may indicate dementia-

1. Loss of memory, especially missing new information

2. Always be confused in the name of people or things

3. Do not keep things like glasses, keys in their place or forget where they are kept

4. Unaccounting of money

5. Great mood swing or irritability at all times

6. Depression and Stress

7. Being nervous or nervous in doing small things

8. Like to be alone all the time

If two of these symptoms are seen in a person, then he is a victim of dementia.  Alzheimer’s disease also comes under dementia.

What does this study say?

This study of University College London, published in the journal JAMA Network Open, studied dementia’s relation to alcohol consumption.

In this study, data of one lakh thirty thousand participants were read and their mental status was also assessed.  People from 30 to 80 years were involved in this study.

Participants in the UK, France, Finland and Sweden were asked questions on their drinking habbit, based on which they were divided into four varieties.  There were four categories –

  • Sometimes drinkers and those who lose consciousness
  • Sometimes drinking alcohol but not losing consciousness
  • Often drinking and losing consciousness
  • Drinking often but not losing consciousness

Dr. Maika Kavimaki, the head of this study, says, “Alcohol affects the brain, we all know this. But we wanted to know if the amount of alcohol matters or the way of drinking. There is a lot of research on this subject, but all were limited to the lab.  For the first time, any research has been done on the subject of so many participants.  And the results are what we thought. “

What is the conclusion of this study?

This study found that the side effects of alcohol on the brain do not exceed the amount of alcohol, but the drinking pattern. That is, those who drink daily but remain conscious sometimes have the same effect on their brains as those who lose consciousness.  Sometimes here means one to two times a week.  If you drink less than that, the effect will be different for you.

Passing out after drinking alcohol causes more damage to your brain.  This worsens the reception cells of the brain due to which you become a victim of dementia with age.

Those who pass out are two times more likely to suffer dementia than those who are conscious.

Along with this, alcohol has other disadvantages to your health –

  • Brain failure
  • Liver failure
  • Cancer risk increases
  • heart disease
  • Reduced eyesight
  • Weak bones
  • Diabetes

These are all long term losses that alcohol puts on your body.  In such a situation, you need to understand what is good for your health and what is bad.

Drink very limited alcohol if you consume alcohol. You have to take care of your health.

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